Presentation: Tweet"Application Integration using Linked Data"
There are many technologies available for implementing applications of different types, and many successful applications have been built with them. There are fewer technologies for integrating applications into larger systems, and the results of applying those technologies have been much less satisfactory. Linked data – a combination of simple technologies from the world-wide web – has multiple uses. Our team at IBM has focused on using Linked Data as a fundamentally new approach to application integration that we believe is significantly more successful for our use-cases than previous technologies we have used. We have been shipping products based on these technologies for 5 years now. Our experiences have culminated in a member submission to the W3C as the starting point for a W3C work-group that aims to produce a recommendation for these uses of Linked Data. This talk will describe our experiences with Linked Data and the W3C member submission that emerged from them.
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